A Grey County Christmas

A Grey County Christmas
Ready or not, the Christmas holiday season is fast approaching and it will soon be time to start thinking about finding time to attend your local tree lighting ceremony, craft show, Santa Claus parade or small town community celebration. The towns and villages in Grey County know how to deck the halls and bring out the Christmas spirit, so take a look a this list to find a parade or event near you, join in the holiday spirit and enjoy some wonderful small-town holiday festivities! Make it a Grey County Christmas!
Priceville Christmas Craft Show
Sat Nov 18 9:30am – 3:00pm
The popular Christmas Craft Show returns to Stothart Hall (104 Kinross Street, Priceville) on Nov 18th with a variety of local vendors featuring their sewing, jewellery, wood and paper crafts, photography, maple syrup, Christmas decor, gifts and so much more. Admission is free. Lunch and refreshments are available downstairs.
Beaver Valley Hand Made Artisan Market
Sat Nov 18 10:00am – 4:00pm
Find that perfect handmade gift or just treat yourself to something crafted by a local artisan at this unique holiday market. A wide variety of quality items will be available, all made by local artists, artisans and craftsmen – and local food vendors too. Find the Beaver Valley Hand Made Artisan Market at the Beaver Valley Community Centre and Arena (58 Alfred St, Thornbury).
78th Owen Sound Kiwanis Santa Claus Parade
Sat Nov 18 5:00pm
Bring your family to a “fun-filled, family-friendly, holiday themed parade with a variety of floats, bands and entertainment” as it makes it’s way down the main streets in Owen Sound. This year’s parade theme is “Winter Wonderland”. The parade begins at 5pm at 2nd Ave. East and 11 St. East. The Salvation Army and City of Owen Sound Fire Department will be collecting food donations along the parade route. Enjoy the parade and then plan to stay in town to take in the opening of the Festival of Northern Lights at the Owen Sound Farmer’s Market. Join in music, dancing, hot chocolate…and kids, don’t forget to bring your letters to Santa! Canada Post will be collecting them along the parade route.
Owen Sound Festival of Northern Lights
Sat Nov 18 through Sun Jan 7/24
The sights and sounds of the Owen Sound Festival of Northern Lights return to Owen Sound’s River District again this year thanks to the hard work of many festival volunteers! The displays run nightly from 5pm – 10pm, 7 days a week, in downtown Owen Sound, along the river and in Harrison Park. Download a site map here. For more information, email info@fonl.ca
Blue Mountain Holiday Magic
Sat Nov 18 through Sun Jan 7/24
Step into a world where the streets sparkle with twinkling lights, buildings are wrapped in holiday bows, and you’re surrounded by festive melodies and jolly jingles. Everyone gets into the spirit in this winter wonderland setting with a backdrop of snow-covered natural beauty. Head to Blue Mountain Village holiday entertainment, an illuminated winter trail, lots of unique shops full of festive gift ideas…even the odd Santa sighting! Holiday Magic guaranteed!
Markdale Santa Parade & Moonlight Madness
Fri Nov 24 6:00pm
Join the community in Markdale for the Santa Claus Parade followed by the tree lighting ceremony and Moonlight Madness. Plan to also attend the Craft and Vendor’s Market on Saturday at Centre Grey Recreation Complex (75 Walker St) from 9am – 5pm featuring over 20 vendors from across Grey Bruce, a free community skate, Christmas cookie decorating, a movie night at Annesley United Church. See details for a variety of Holidays in the Highlands events happening in and around Grey Highlands.
Meaford’s Christmas On the Bay
Nov 30 through Dec 3
Enjoy a traditional outdoor European-style Christmas Market at Meaford Hall (12 Nelson St E)…with a twist. Just like the very best outdoor Christmas markets, Christmas On the Bay provides all the festive lights, sounds, entertainment, smells, tastes, and ambiance you would expect to put you into the perfect festive spirit. But Christmas On the Bay is also a celebration of community, inclusion and diversity all with an eye toward celebrating the traditions and customs of Meaford and Southern Georgian Bay. You’ll find an inspiring selection of locally produced and crafted foods, beverages, and wares – truly something for everyone. Prepare to be enchanted!

Seasons Greetings Presented by the Georgian Bay Symphony
Sat Dec 2 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Celebrate the festive season in style! Sing along to Christmas favourites, enjoy a cozy sleigh ride, and selections from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker and Handel’s Messiah. Join the Georgian Bay Symphony at East Ridge Community School (994 3rd Ave E, Owen Sound) for some festive surprises and even a special guest or two. Book tickets here.
Durham Firefighters’ Christmas Parade
Sat Dec 2 12:30pm
You’re not going to miss this Santa Claus parade! Mark your calendars and come to town to welcome Santa to Durham! This year’s theme is “Christmas Toy Land”. Register your float at durhamfirefighters@gmail.com
Dundalk Santa Claus Parade
Sat Dec 6 6pm
Santa visits Dundalk on December 6th at 6pm! Click here for more information and email santaparadedundalk@gmail.com to register your float.
Hanover Rotary Santa Claus Parade
Sat Dec 2 7pm
The Hanover Rotary Club is proud to present the “Red, White & Green” Santa Claus Parade on December 2nd beginning at 7pm along 10th Street. Plan to also visit Santa’s Grotto and enjoy horse drawn wagon rides in Heritage Square. Click here to see a float entry form (floats must be registered before Nov 30th), rules and a waiver,
Meaford Kinsmen Club Santa Claus Parade
Sat Dec 2 5:15pm
Take in the Meaford Kinsmen Club’s Santa Claus Parade as it makes it’s way through downtown beginning at 5:15pm and stay to watch the town Christmas tree lighting at 6:15pm and visit with Santa in Georgie’s Room (see a site map here) starting at 6:20pm. If the kiddies can stay awake, why not stay to watch a live performance from Page Warner at Market Square Stage beginning at 7pm. These events are just part of the Christmas On The Bay festivities running all weekend in Meaford.
Thornbury’s Olde Fashioned Christmas
Sat Dec 9 events all day long
Wander along Bruce Street in Thornbury and enjoy an Olde Fashioned Christmas. Featuring seasonal displays, holiday windows, live music, tasty treats, visits with Santa and more, activities begin at 10am. Bring your camera so you don’t miss any photo ops and bring your tote bag – you’re sure to find lots of great gifts for everyone on your Christmas shopping list!
Holstein Santa Claus Parade
Sat Dec 9 1pm
Visit the village of Holstein on December 9th for a magical non-motorized Christmas parade. The parade will start at 123273 Southgate Rd 12 (The Holstein Depot) and will end at 392141 Grey Rd 109 (Egremont Community School). The parade will start at 1 pm and trail down the Main Street of Holstein. Spectators are advised that cars parked later than 12:30 pm will not be able to move until the parade has returned back down the Main Street for the safety of all participants. Santa even has some time to stop in to visit and pose for photos at the Egremont Optimist building!
Chatsworth Santa Claus Parade
Sat Dec 16 10am
Get ready for Chatsworth Christmas spirit on the 16th at 10am! This year’s parade theme is “Christmas Critters” and everyone is encouraged to enter a float to win a prize. Contact the Chatsworth Ag Society to register your float or for more information.

Click here for an outline of holiday events throughout Grey County provided by southgrey.ca